Monday, March 19, 2007

Ralph's Place

This is a photo of Ralph's Place, which I believe was where Nick Nilson's bar was. I am sure others here know better than I. Leonard Halvorson is up front looking at the camera. Guess who is in the back by the stove looking down the narrow end of a bottle? ;-)


Gayle said...

Grandma could probably identify the people in the picture for us. Marilyn was showing her the blog earlier and she enjoyed seeing all of the pictures. Ralph Anderson was a good friend of dads. Grandpa spent a lot of time at the bar playing cards with the guys. We always looked forward to his getting home because he always had a box of pop, juice and candybars for us kids. Must be part of the reason for all the dreaded trips to the dentist. Ralph had to go in for the "cure" several times. It must have been difficult to give up drinking when you sold liquer for a living.

Janie said...

Wow! Do you know, for all the years Dad frequented that place I was never inside...this is my first look! HA! Although, I did spend many hours outside waiting! HA! I remember one Halloween we put the tractors in neutral from across the street and rolled them right up to the front door! We never got in trouble though...everyone thought it was so funny but these days I suspect one would go to jail!!

Marilyn said...

I had Arne help me and the man behind the bar is Hank Holgerson, Kipton and Yvonne's father wer believe. Laverne Hillestead is next to Dad. Leonard Halverson is in the foreground "1st chair". Ralph's Bar always seemed like such a secretive place to me and now looking at the picture is was pretty bleak.