Thanks to Janie for setting me straight on signing up for this new family blog. I thought I would get signed in as I have some old pictures scanned that you may enjoy seeing. I will post them off and on later. For now, here is my family on our trip last summer to Seattle. I'm Lynn, the second to the youngest of Lawrence and Bernice Hagen. I am a Financial Aid Director at a local community college and my husband, Les, is a cattle and land owner and works at the local elevator. My daughter Lea is a Freshman in h.s. and my son, Benjamin is a 5th grader. They are both hockey players so we are all busy this winter running all over the place. Only 4 games to watch this week-end, which is where I am heading in a few minutes.
I hate to be this honest, but I was born in 1959 (easier to say then the age) so that gives you an idea where I fall in the family. So I am one with very few memories of Grandma and the bigger family gatherings at her house. I stuck pretty close to home, I only live 30 miles from the farm. I love reading the stories you are telling about our family. I won't have the stories to share, but I will share a few pictures. I'm off to watch some hockey, I will check in later.
Great to see you on-board, Lynn, and to see the picture of you and your family. As I recall, you and Les bought a house in Crosby - the famous county seat of Divide County, North Dakota. When you get a chance, I wonder if you could take a picture or two of the County Seat building. When even I get a chance, I like to stop and look at them in the various towns I pass through. But I don't seem to have been very good about taking pictures. I believe there are some nice murals and other neat features.
Once again - congratulations on your first post - and I hope to see more pictures of you and your family (and great picture, by the way)!
PS. How about some pictures of you and your classmates on the ' site?
Lynn, I am tickled you made it in! Let others know this is not fact, give Barry grief as he has not posted yet and I think he lives up in Crosby right? I hope we will get other email addresses so we can continue to invite others. I am so glad you posted the family picture as that is so nice to see. I am rotten at this...I never remember to take such a thing...but will this summer as Suzy is back in June and will make a point of doing that! Glad to see you here!
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