Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Clark as Storm Chaser

I just got a hold of Mom's camera so will post a few more of Clark's pictures. Don't ask why he wasn't in the basement. He just said it was so "calm" outside. You should be able to see the hail falling in a couple of these. Guess there wasn't any rain.


Susi said...

I'm asking myself the same thing Lynn...why was Clark not in the basement?? Tornado over the house!! I would have been tied to the wall in the furnace room!

Susi =)

Janie said...

Amazing pictures! I do know about that is eerily[spelling?] quiet and you actually have no fear...these are great shots. Was your Mom scared and was she outside with Clark?? Susi, I just sent you another invite so you can post...

Andrea and Otfried said...

Yes, many things that are beautiful are also dangerous.
Love, Andrea

Lynn said...

Actually Mom did go out with Clark, hard as it might be to believe. I think it was deceiving as you couldn't see anything below the cone. What Clark didn't see was the dust coming up off the ground which was probably behind the trees and out of his view. Had he seen that he probably would have been below ground level.