Otfried looks a little tired. He put so much energy into
making my birthday just perfect. He's not much of
a techie, but his gift to me was a laptop computer.
His son, Martin -- visiting from Germany -- is
busy installing all the software. Now if I can
just figure out how to use it all.
Someone once said that computers were invented
to give retired persons something to do.
And, yes, I'm doing my part!
How fun to see You, Otfried, Chris and that wonderful looking cake! I am sure there were very few calories in every bite! HA! You look like you have an amazing tan!!! Happy Birthday ...sorry I missed that! Hope you are feeling well, you look marvelous!
Question...I know you leave to go to see Eva for Mother's Day. When is her birthday? Is it around that time as well?
We wish that we could have been at your party to help celebrate your 65th birthday. The cake looks delicious and you look pretty scrumptious yourself.
Eva's birthday is July 2. We'll be in Tacoma to take her out for Mother's Day, May 13. We were there last year too. She and Otfried have a running competition on who is going to pay. So far, he's won every year -- if we can call his paying a win, which he looks at it that way.
Just arrived home again and late getting back into routine. Love the cake..I'm sure had I been there you could have squeezed out one more piece!! Love Otfried's tie. One of my favorite colors. Happy 65 again and enjoy the laptop. Now you can sit and snuggle up in a blanket and still surf.
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