Monday, September 8, 2008

Small Reunion At Marlene's

Dan Fuller, Marlene's son, came home to visit her the end of Aug so I decided to run down to see him as I had not seen him in years. I usually did not know he was coming until he left but this time heard in advance so I could get a ticket! Then while emailing Gloria's daughter Kim, she decided to try get away for a few days so that was terrific as I had not seen her in a very long time either. Dan lives in Baltimore, Maryland and Kim in Austin, Texas. You will see a picture of Kimmie and Dan and her little white dog Hercules, a picture of Dan and his girlfriend Penny with some fish they caught at the dam, and one is a group picture with Dawn Cindy, Dan, Marlene, me, Kimmie and Colt, Dan's son. Kimmie is a CPA and so is her husband, Dan is with Atlantic Welders but would like to move back to OK and buy a small farm and Colt is in fashion design and might be moving to LA but at this point lives in Arkansas. It was great to see everyone and catch up. Marlene had to do alot of cooking so I suspect it is oatmeal for awhile now! Ha! She said it was pretty quiet around there once we all leeft. It was so fun and wish we did not all live so far apart. Oh...Marlene's other son did not get in the picture, Dean as he is more reclusive and pretty much works and rides his Harley. Seeing picture here I see he and Clark are very similar with their large beards! Is there a gene for that!? Ha!
I see other pictures were attached that I did not know about, Kimmie with her puppy and Marlene and I out on the porch.
Kimmie sent me some pictures and I had to add to this as this one picture shows Dawn Cindy's personality...she is a total gigglebox!! I usually cannot breathe when she and I start...and it is one of those laughs you just have to laugh with her even if you do not know what it is about...very contagious! That is Colt again...very cute and wonderful young man...He won a place in my heart!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Marilyn & Arne's 45th!

Here are a few pictures from my mom and dad's 45th wedding anniversay. We had a party on Whitefish Lake over the 4th of July weekend.

Lewis & Clark Caverns

I have lived in Montana on and off for 12 years and have never visited Lewis & Clark Caverns. My best friend Kareniesa and her 3 kids (Jade 12, Kaleb 10 and Paige 7) and my cousin Andrew went along with my kids (Matthew 11 and Stephanie 8) and I. It was another very hot day...another walk...almost a mile on a 7% grade to get to the caverns. But the walk was worth it, nice cool 40 degrees inside with bats and various birds. If you are claustrophobic...this is not the place to be. There are a few areas that are pretty tight. Here is a link for somemore information:

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Hagen Family Pictures

We had a family reunion of sorts while we were in ND. Our family hadn't been together all at one time since dad died, January 31, 1999. My birthday was July 22 and it was great having everyone home to help me celebrate. Remember, Marilyn is the oldest!

ND Clouds and Sunset

The enclosed pictures were taken Saturday evening, 19 July. What a beautiful time to be in rural ND!
The picture of Opdahl basement church was taken Sunday evening on our way back from the Crosby Threshing Show.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Josie's Bird Song

I thought I would share with you one of Josie's songs that she sang for us while we were in ND. She also sang God Bless America but we are having trouble downloading a file this large. Josie just turned seven on May 5TH. We think she is very talented!

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Old Pictures

Well, just to keep the dialog alive, here are is a selection of old pictures I ran across the other day. I don't know where it was taken, but here are a couple of Gloria's grandkids, Kaisia and Cameron, with great-great grandma Orpha, and with Gloria and George.

Here is one of Gloria, Marlene, Jane, and me: I wonder how long ago that was and what the occasion was?

How about this birthday picture? It probably wasn't my 21st.

Shirley and I had a cart out at the Boise mall once upon a time: we sold Egyptian stuff. Some of it was kind of nice. As you may have guessed, we didn't make it into the 'big time'.

I'm not sure when this picture of Clark was taken. He can probably guess by looking at his truck.

And last but not least, we had two dogs, Smokie and Bandit, who slept in bunk beds. It was kind of odd, but as soon as I finished it and Shirley put cushions in it, Smokie jumped up into the top bunk and made it his home. Bandit felt much safer in the bottom bunk.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Lawrence Hagen - July 1994

I ripped a cassette of Lawrence (my Grandfather) to mp3. I have uploaded it to my website at

It's large (about 70MB), so right click on the link to the file (lawrence-hagen_july1994.mp3) and select "Save Target As" and save it to your computer. It will take approx 10-20 min to download if you have broadband internet.

The sound isn't the best, but it's as good as the cassette I have.

On the tape are John and Gayle Axness talking with Lawrence about various topics. Thank you to John and Gayle for making this cassette.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Garnet Township

I just scanned this page of the Divide County Atlas, ca.1909?. It's in bad shape, but still interesting. I had to shrink the file to post it, but if anyone wants a high resolution copy to print at full size, I will email it to them.

My New Friend

Thought I would post my new friend...This is Mr Piggo...but there are several others now who are eating out of my hand as well as several babies. Mr. Piggo now likes his tummy rubbed so if we ever get a picture of that I will post. He stands on his hind legs and when I rub his tommy he stretches up and spreads his toes...head back...really enjoying it to the fullest! Ha! God gave all these creatures such a sense of humor...they act up the minute I go outside and scare the wits out of me when I am in the garden!

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Hi everyone,
This picture of cousin Cindy Garner and I was taken on July 1st in Maryland. She and Steve have been out east here for a few days, enrolling Prescott in the Naval Academy and sending Madison to Florence for three weeks. We called out to Oregon to talk to Kathy and Sherry, who had heart surgery on June 24 and who came home on July 1.
Today, I also talked to Aunt Eva in Tacoma, on this here 89th birthday (July 2). Otfried and I hope we can go out to visit here next year for her 90th. Would love to see some other cousins there as well. Let us know if you are coming. Perhaps we can plan a dinner out!
Andrea and Otfried

Monday, June 30, 2008

Maud Canyon

This is a trail on the east ridge here in Butte. It was very warm, very long and pretty much uphill the whole way. My best friend Kareniesa, her kids...Jade, Kaleb and Paige...along with Andrew and my kids Matthew and Stephanie attempted this around the hottest time of the day. With all the rain/snow we had this spring everything is very green. When you get to the end of the trail you can overlook Butte and the Berkeley Pit. Here are a few links to check out things here in Butte:,_Montana