Saturday, April 28, 2007

Andrea's 65th birthday party

Otfried looks a little tired. He put so much energy into
making my birthday just perfect. He's not much of
a techie, but his gift to me was a laptop computer.
His son, Martin -- visiting from Germany -- is
busy installing all the software. Now if I can
just figure out how to use it all.
Someone once said that computers were invented
to give retired persons something to do.
And, yes, I'm doing my part!

Andrea's 65th birthday

OK. Here's that cake. One of our friends
brought it from a German bakery in
Alexandria, Virginia. It feed 25 people.
Not one person turned down a piece
of this cake. Diets were forgotten.

April 27, 1942.

Friday was 65 years exactly since I was born. Here I am at my
party with son, Chris (now 31) who came down from Vermont
for the celebration. We had lots of wonderful friends, food,
wine and beer, topping it all off with a Schwartzwelderkirsch torte.
In our language that's a Black Forest Cherry Cake, a specialty
from Germany.
Andrea . . . . in Baltimore

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Ethan and Emily Hagen Axness

It was nice spending time with Emily and Ethan at the beach. Emily is swimming in the bathtub in this picture, not the ocean. Ethan turned six, February 9Th and Emily will be two, June 24Th. We are looking forward to seeing them tomorrow. We will return April 29Th.

The Beach

We spent a week on Kiawah with Aric and his family. The house we rented worked out great and we had a good time together. We went into Charleston to do a little sight seeing and lunch, otherwise, we spent our time beach combing and riding bike. The hotel was built several years ago and was decorated beautifully for the Christmas holidays.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Jaden Paints

Jaden has an obsession with animals so he was thrilled when he could have his face painted like a tiger at the school carnival. The cookies were of tulips, he insisted that they were dinosaurs.
He painted his own face at home so he could look like a lion.

Just a few moments in time

Could you ever guess that a can of shaving cream could be so much fun!

Sledding in Michigan

We were able to go sledding only once this winter due to the lack of snow. It is great having grandchilren because you get to do all kinds of fun activities that you thought you had outgrown. We have spent more time at parks as "senior citizens" as we did as kids. Hunter is eight, Alyssa seven, Jaden two and Dana is thirty five.

Gayle's Kitty

Kota is three years old and weighs 14 pounds. He was a stray cat that Dana found in her back yard and found a home with us. He actually broke into their house by tearing the screen off the basement window and letting himeself in. Dana came home and wondered how did he get inside? John has put baby locks on some of the doors because he can open doors by himself. He chews on furniture so I have plastic runners on the furniture and we have to use storage containers for litter boxes. We think we know why he was homeless! He seems to like his new digs and hasn't tried breaking out yet!

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Aric, Heli & Emily

This picture of Aric, Heli, and Emily was taken last November, 2006. We are leaving for SC, Friday, April 20th and will return April 29th. I will send more recent pictures after our visit. Ethan wasn't in on this shot but I will make sure to get a good picture of him on this trip. Aric has taken a big interest in his yard. He has planted over 400 bushes and trees in the last several years. I will send more pictures tomorrow.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Black Gold in Garnet?

Here's a site I wish my Dad could have witnessed. Today this oil drilling rig went up, for the 3rd time in Garnet Township, right south of the farm. It was first northeast of the farm where they are now putting a well. It then went northwest of the farm and rumor has it that struck also. In the 80's there were abandoned holes at all of these sites, but they are back with better technology, evidently, with success. This rig is right across the road from Oscar Johnson's farm on the Divide County border.

If it looks dry and brown, it is. It has been so cold and cloudy that nothing is wanting to grow. It has just started to green up a little in the last day or so.

So I just wanted to show you Mom's new lawn ornament (almost). It's directly out her south window so she will have a bird's eye view.