Saturday, December 23, 2006

Merry Christmas from Arizona

Hi Hagen Family,

I think Janie has managed to walk me through the steps of how to post here, so I'm giving it a shot. Janie and my dad, Bob Hagen, are first cousins. Not quite sure what relation that makes me to Janie, maybe someone better-versed in geneology than I can figure that out. Anyway, I'm so glad she's taken the initiative to start up a chattering place for us Hagens, and I hope we can get up and running. Briefly about us: My name is Candace (Hagen) Nielson, my husband is Darin. The top photo is us in at Oceanside this summer. We have two kids (bottom photo); Jake is 14 and a sophomore, Chloe is 12 and in 7th grade. We live in Gilbert, AZ, which might sound appealing to those of you in North Dakota and surrounds, but its actually been hovering around freezing for the last few days. While we might not actually get a white Christmas, at least its been rainy and foggy, which is something. Merry Christmas to all of you!



Janie said...

Candace, this is great!! Fun to see the pictures but I have also been to your website to see family photos but I suppose with my bad memory I still would walk past you on the street!!! Ha!
Is that Oceanside, Oregon? Is there a connection to that place? My daughter lives up in Manzanita about 6 miles south of Cannon Beach and then Kathy [Pearl's daughter lives in southern Oregon on the beach I think she still does?] There might be about 5 cousins in Oregon as Lynette lives there as well, so hopefully they will get a chance to check in and give that info.
I was asked once to teach watercolor in the Gilbert area, maybe the offer will come again and I can see you! Janie

Candace said...

That's Oceanside, CA, where we go every chance we get. We did used to live in Salem, OR, and loved the Oregon coast as well. Windy, though! I was wondering about the possibility of you doing a class here. We have a beautiful new Mesa Arts Center--is there anything I can do to help make this possible? Let me know, it would be great to meet you and learn from you at the same time.

Janie said...

Candace, I would love to come there. Usually it is a watercolor club or society that sponsors an artist. I should look it up and see who is there. I know there is an active group in your area. If you locate them you could direct them to my website. I am starting to travel more but at my age it poops me out! HA! I sort of like my own bed and down we will see how long this lasts!