Saturday, December 23, 2006

Merry Christmas from Arizona

Hi Hagen Family,

I think Janie has managed to walk me through the steps of how to post here, so I'm giving it a shot. Janie and my dad, Bob Hagen, are first cousins. Not quite sure what relation that makes me to Janie, maybe someone better-versed in geneology than I can figure that out. Anyway, I'm so glad she's taken the initiative to start up a chattering place for us Hagens, and I hope we can get up and running. Briefly about us: My name is Candace (Hagen) Nielson, my husband is Darin. The top photo is us in at Oceanside this summer. We have two kids (bottom photo); Jake is 14 and a sophomore, Chloe is 12 and in 7th grade. We live in Gilbert, AZ, which might sound appealing to those of you in North Dakota and surrounds, but its actually been hovering around freezing for the last few days. While we might not actually get a white Christmas, at least its been rainy and foggy, which is something. Merry Christmas to all of you!


Friday, December 22, 2006

Help With Signing in and Posting

How to Join this Blog:
1. You will receive an email invitation from Jane Freeman ( to join a private blog: Hagen Chatter. That is if you will send me your email at
2. To become an author or contributor, click on the link in the email.
3. Sign in to your Google Account. If you do not have a Google Account, you must create one. Click on "Create your account now."
4. Follow Google instructions. Enter your email address. This email address will not show on the blog unless you later set it show.
5. Enter a password. Remember your email and password. This is how you get into the blog to post.
6. Enter a display name. This is how you want your name to show on the contributor list.
7. Type in the word verification letters.
8. Accept the terms of service after you read them.
9. Click on continue at the lower right of the page.
10. The next page says Dashboard and Blogger Buzz. This is where you read the latest blogger news and also where you manage your blogs. You will see Hagen Chatter listed under Manage Your Blogs. You can view the blog or you can click on New Post here and write your first post . You can also Edit your Profile here or edit your Account.
11. Once finished here, click on Sign out in the blue bar in the upper right hand corner of the page.
Now that you have your Google Account:
1. Go to in your browser window.
2. Click on Sign In in the upper right hand corner of the page. It is way up in the banner bar where you see Search Blog, Flag Blog, Next Blog, Create Blog and Sign In.
3. You are now at the Blogger start page. In the upper right it says Sign in to use Blogger. Click on New Blogger using your Google account.
4. Enter Username. This is the email address you used when you set up your Google Account. Nothing else will work.
5. Enter your Password. This is the password you used to set up your Google Account.
6. Click on Sign In.
7. If you are a new user, you may have to verify your account in a Google email. Check your email now. If you do not find an email, then click on the Resend email button. It might take a few minutes to receive the email. If you still do not receive an email, go on to step 8.
8. Once you are verified with Google, the Hagen Chatter sign in button will take you back to the Blogger Dashboard page where you will see a list of your blogs (Hagen Chatter) and Edit Profile, etc.
9. Click on New Post to write or View Blog to read.
10. If you clicked on View Blog and decide after reading that you want to post something, click on New Post in the upper right of Hagen Chatter window and write your post, then click on Publish.
This may seem like alot but that is what you do the first time. After that you will be just signing in with your password and you are in. If you want to post pictures, they must be on your computer and there is a blue square icon where you are writing your post. It is right next to ABC and if you click on that you can brouse your computer to bring up a picture and it will post...just follow the directions. Remember to hit publish when you are done then you can go to view the blog again to read more or to see if you post is how you want it. You will find this all very simple after only one time.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Family update

I will post my family news and hope that others will follow with theirs. My kids are fine. Suzy has an ecological clothing store in Manzanita, Oregon and loves what she does. I think she and her husband Jud will live there forever. Luke lives in Sioux Falls, S DAK with his girlfriend Heather. She just graduated from college and will enter the masters program in the fall here in Bemidji, if all works out. They hope to move back here in the spring which is a dream come true for me! Andy has been at Beltrami Electric for 34 years now and is looking forward to retirement in a couple of years. What we will do is beyond me as he is pretty much a stay at home guy...loves his ham radio and so I think that is where he will perch! Lucky I have hobbies to keep me busy! I just spoke with Marlene and she says Hi to everyone! She is not a computer person but will be giving her neighbor the url so at least she can read the messages. I will be sending Gloria the invite and her kids so they can join too. My hope is that we will not drift apart but draw closer as we get to know each other better and maybe our children will connect so that what we once had at Grandma Hagen's house will somehow continue. We were very lucky! Remember, you can use the comment button or you can begin your own post, whichever is easier. I hope that someone will find the time to do this as I see value in it if we try. Janie

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Christmas Spirit!

I guess I am the only one who is enjoying this! Ha! For those of you that are wondering what to do, you can create a new post or answer below a post where it says comments by just clicking on it and a window will come up for you to write something and submit. If anyone has the emails for Bruce Rosten or Sara Lynn, let me know so they get the official invite as that makes access easier.

Thought I would show you how nice it posts things like pictures too. This is an old painting that I have used for Christmas cards in the past so will use it to wish you a very Merry Christmas!!! Hope everyone is well! Janie


I have started to send out invitations as that seems to be the way to get in this site easier so would you also send me other emails? I seem to have a wrong one for Marilyn here so need hers...this somehow gives you easier access. You can also ask for emails if someone writes in here by doing that in your profile area. Hope everyone is getting ready for Christmas!! Janie

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Hagen Family Chat

I am attempting this and hope that it works...and that you will all be able to leave posts to one another here. I will give out the passwords etc so if you want to upload any pictures etc you may do so. I am wondering if we need to limit who does that or what so will do some investigating on what we can do or should do to best make this work! I thought it might be a good way to stay in touch! Merry Christmas to everyone!! Janie